Wins & Wrestles #1 - How Do I Achieve Balance?

Wins & Wrestles #1 - How Do I Achieve Balance?



min read

A series to help us celebrate our wins and work through our wrestles

About Wins & Wrestles

Over the next period of time, I’m excited to share with you a new email series called “Wins & Wrestles”.  And it’ll be a bit different.  

Each drop will include a win and a wrestle from individuals I've worked with or am working with - typically high achievers who are breaking free from the cycle of senseless success and heading in a new direction of whole-of-life success on their terms.  

The purpose? That you would find the encouragement you need and know you’re not alone in the journey. The aim is to keep it short, sweet and practical. It’s an email drop not a deluge:)  

And as you read, here’s some things to keep in mind:

  1. Consider your own specific circumstances

  2. Understand potential limitations without a conversation and

  3. Trial what may work for you in your current season  

Without further ado, here’s the first “Wins & Wrestles” drop. 

💪 A Win To Celebrate

“I had a candid talk with my father for the first time in our lives, cleared the air and dispelled years of misunderstanding”  

What a great win!  

This wasn’t just a superficial relationship, but a deep familial relationship that has complexities of cultural, generational and interpersonal differences all wrapped up. I am encouraged that this individual was willing to face into some of his people-pleasing and over-achiever patterns and take a bold intentional step to putting attention to what really matters. 

I applaud the bravery, the courage, the vulnerability.  

I asked him what helped and he said this: “It felt like the type of conversation you have with someone on their deathbed. I wanted to have it now while he’s still alive and with us”.  

Wow. What a great encouragement to step bravely through the uncomfortable towards the people that are important to us.  

🤼‍♂️ A Wrestle To Work Through

“There is so much on my plate and I have competing priorities with personal and professional life. How do I achieve balance?” 

For us high achievers and high performers, our level of competency is likely to attract a stack pile of responsibilities. There's no silver bullet solution but here's a couple of things I've found can help us in situations of immense pressure and tension: 

1) Try this perspective shift

Perfect Balance is a prison. Checking our own expectation of realism is an important step. I thought perfect balance would bring me freedom but instead it became a prison. Even if it was attainable for a day, I found it wasn’t maintainable. Why? There’s too many things outside our control.    

2) Try this practical exercise

The Ideal Average Day. As an alternative to perfect balance, consider trying to have your ideal average day 3-4 times a week. For example, an ideal average day for me in my current season includes having undistracted time in prayer, a meaningful conversation, some form of physical movement, play with one of my children and emotional connection with my wife.

If I can have a day like this a few times a week, I’m okay if the other days look out of whack!!!

🤜 Over To You

What is one idea or insight that you want to take with you?

 🙌 What was your Win & Wrestle for the Week?

If you'd like to share it, I'd love to hear it. Send me a note here

Live whole,


p.s. If you want to take serious action beyond reading, set up a time here and we will have a conversation about options to get you moving on a new trajectory starting now.

p.p.s. If this is your first time seeing this, you can subscribe here to receive future drops of the LiveHolystic newsletter

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