I just experienced one of the highest points of my entire life.
I don’t know about you, but it’s not every day I get to hear the depths of my parents’ hearts. My dad, in particular, keeps things very close to his chest.
My parents both grew up in Malaysia 🇲🇾 in Buddhist homes.
One came from a wealthy family with a butler and chauffeur.
The other from a very poor family where a single apple was a monthly luxury that had to be shared amongst six people.
They met each other while studying in Christchurch, New Zealand 🇳🇿, got married, and chose against the comfort of going back to Malaysia where my dad was “set up for life” to run a family business.
Instead, they took a big risk to start a new life in Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺, with no support.
To make things harder, they had three kids (me being the youngest)
Even though both were highly educated—my mum studied as an actuary (I unknowingly followed in her footsteps years later)—they battled racism and struggled through with ad hoc low-paying home cleaning and kitchen hand jobs.
Growing up, the concept of “faith” and a relationship with God was completely absent from our home as the focus was on our own hard work and what we needed to do to survive and get a good job.
My dad was understandably skeptical when I had my first surprising encounter with God at the age of 16 on a train on the way to a top Sydney high school—but that’s a story for another time!
Interestingly my dad was strongly opposed to any mention of faith or God until he experienced his own “inner spiritual awakening” at the ripe young age of 71.
Hearing how he has been on a step-by-step journey of willingly surrendering his life to a greater power is nothing short of miraculous.
Below were some of their memorable quotes from their seven-minute sharing:
“While I was exposed to traditions and superstitions like burning incense, I never felt alive inside.”
“When I look back, I can see God was with me even though I wasn’t aware of Him.”
“I didn't know how to digest the news of my son’s cancer and cried out like a child.”
“I see His love in the kindness and generosity of individuals who supported me when I was in need.”
And there were 3 things I reflected on and was reminded of after hearing them speak
💡 Reflection/Reminder #1: We each have a unique yet intertwined story
My parents each spoke for a few minutes, and I was literally on edge, eager to hear their unique perspectives and individual journeys. At the same time, I could hear how their own stories were intertwined with each other, with their children’s (including the health challenges my brother and I have faced), and the stories of countless individuals they’ve connected with over the years.
💡 Reflection/Reminder #2: Our openness opens us up for change
My dad wouldn’t budge on considering a higher power for over 25 years, and that was his prerogative. But when he willingly began to open himself up to the possibility, his life and way of seeing things opened up in a whole new way. It reminds me of the saying, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
💡 Reflection/Reminder #3: Grace really is amazing
As a high achiever, I can sometimes get overly caught up in what I can do and need to accomplish. Grace—this concept of unearned favor, best demonstrated by Jesus sacrificially loving humanity despite our flaws and failings—really flies in the face of my often works-based mentality.
Grace reminds me that my "high-achieving" has limitations particularly when it comes to relationships, whether with other humans or God.
Grace is not achieved, but rather received.
And my parents’ inspiring story from struggle and skepticism, is a gift of grace I gladly receive.
Over to You For Reflection
What experiences in your life have caused you to open up to new possibilities or beliefs?
In what areas of your life might you need to allow more grace for yourself and others?
I respect each of you and encourage you to take what you want from this piece no matter your faith journey, religious orientation or upbringing.
Live whole, James
p.s. I'd love to hear your reflections. Send me a note james@liveholystic.com
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