So you're back here again

So you're back here again

At the same place you swore you would never return to. Masturbating to pornography. Engaging in sexual behaviour that you know deep down is in conflict with who you are. You put in the work to not go there and even with your best intentions and actions, it still didn't seem to work. The crazy thing is you know you are loved and have a "calling" on your life to do greater things. And while you sheepishly receive grace and forgiveness time and time again, your hope of a new way of living and operating to your full potential seems to wane each time you fall.

I've been there

I've been there

That was my life for 20 years. I tried to do what others had told me would help. I prayed more, read more scripture, attempted “cold turkey”, asked for deliverance prayers, attended conferences and the list goes on. There may have been an initial burst of inspiration and yet I would inevitably return to my old ways. Despite the seeming “successes” of life I could hold up to those around me to make me feel like I’m not a complete failure, at my deepest core I felt lost and without hope. The fact I was a public Christian leader who others looked to for direction and guidance, honestly made it all the more confusing and complicated.

That was my life for 20 years. I tried to do what others had told me would help. I attempted “cold turkey”, tried to keep myself busy on other things, read more scripture, asked for deliverance prayers, attended conferences and the list goes on. There may have been an initial burst of inspiration and yet I would inevitably return to my old ways. Despite the seeming “successes” of life I could hold up to those around me to make me feel like I’m not a complete failure, at my deepest core I felt lost and without hope. The fact I was a public Christian leader who others looked to for direction and guidance, honestly made it all the more confusing and complicated.

There is hope

There is hope

However, in late 2019, everything changed for me. I was invited to join a few other guys struggling with the same stuff and I dived into a deep personal transformation journey that has well…completely transformed me. It has transformed my marriage. My family. My relationships. My being. It has transformed the way I think about myself, the way I think about God, the way I think about others. And yes it has transformed my deeply embedded pornography addiction into a place of healing for others.

porn WAs not the ONLY problem

porn WAs not the ONLY problem

Even though I found a new found freedom in porn recovery, I soon discovered that there were deeper issues I needed to confront. I wasn't just a porn addict but a performance junkie.

Performance was a way I had learnt to cover up what was really going on. Performance was a way I could divert attention away from my inner turmoil. Performance was my way of obtaining a false sense of worth and value.

And that's not all.

I was also confronted with my third primary addiction.

Profit. Money. income.

My high income salary was in fact something I was dependent on more than I would have liked to admit. It bought me immediate respect amongst friends and family and peers. It was a crutch I would lean on when things got touch…"well at least I earn lots of money".

Profit like porn and performance, was an unhealthy way I had learnt to cope and survive with the challenges of life and make myself feel a false sense of worth and value.


I want to invite you into a once a year opportunity to join me and a handful of other men who are serious about fighting back against a growing tide of apathetic men and instead become a man of holistic health, deep commitment and compassionate care. We get real about the challenges of becoming a man of integrity in today's culture and get practical on how to breakthrough the key strangleholds of pornography addiction, performance validation and profit.

Through a mix of group and 1:1 coaching sessions, you will benefit from my years of transformative experience condensed into a four month breakthrough intensive.

  • Learn how to become aware of unhealthy coping practices and addictions that you may unknowingly turn to

  • Learn to stay on the edge of discomfort and grow in a healthy way

  • Learn to transform your mindset around money and learn how to use it in a way that aligns to your highest commitments

  • Learn how performance can mask your vulnerability and dangerously dictate your self worth

  • Learn to value sex as an extension of intimacy, as a beautiful expression of mutual intimacy and not a tool to simply satisfy cravings

  • Learn to live a life of deep commitment over a life of fleeting pleasures

  • Learn how to live with real accountability and why it's important not be left to your own devices

  • Learn how to develop true friendships that matter for life

  • Learn how to live with responsibility, learn how to live with joy and rediscover the importance of play in your life

I want to want to invite you into a once a year opportunity to join me an a handful of other men who are serious about changing the trajectory of their life. Through a mix of group and 1:1 coaching sessions, you will benefit from my years of transformative experience condensed into a four month breakthrough intensive.

  • Learn how to become aware of unhealthy coping practices and addictions that you may unknowingly turn to

  • Learn to stay on the edge of discomfort and grow in a healthy way

  • Learn to transform your mindset around money and learn how to use it in a way that aligns to your highest commitments

  • Learn how performance can mask your vulnerability and dangerously dictate your self worth

  • Learn to value sex as an extension of intimacy, as a beautiful expression of mutual intimacy and not a tool to simply satisfy cravings

  • Learn to live a life of deep commitment over a life of fleeting pleasures

  • Learn how to live with real accountability and why it's important not be left to your own devices

  • Learn how to develop true friendships that matter for life

  • Learn how to live with responsibility, learn how to live with joy and rediscover the importance of play in your life

Why Just for men?

I recognise that these areas of porn, profit and performance affect all humans, but I developed this intimate group program and coaching experience intentionally for men.

The traditional pressures of being the financial provider of the family, the high performance expectations and the increasing sexualisation of society, tend to combine to hit men in a different way.

And I found through my own journey and the people I've helped over the years, the need for men to find other men to not only open up to and trust for a few months but over their life time.

It's another reason I'm strict on limiting the size of the group and to requiring an application process so those who are part of the journey are committed to their own personal transformation and will join me in ensuring a safe and trusted space.


This four month men-only intensive program is not like anything else.

  • It is designed for men, particularly leaders, who want to grow in their next level of integrity, purpose and influence

  • It is for a small number of high commitment individuals who are humble enough to learn from others, compassionate enough to respect confidentiality and bold enough to take action 

  • It is positioned to come alongside someone’s full schedule and help launch them into the new year in the right direction

  • It is a unique growth learning experience that incorporates a blend of deep coaching, spiritual guidance, mindset training and community accountability.

This unique learning experience includes 8 x scheduled group sessions of 90 mins, 3 x 1:1 sessions and email support with James outside the sessions. It will involve a mix of teaching, self reflection, practical exercises and personal coaching

This four month men-only intensive program is not like anything else.

  • It is designed for men, particularly leaders, who want to grow in their next level of integrity, purpose and influence

  • It is for a small number of high commitment individuals who are humble enough to learn from others, compassionate enough to respect confidentiality and bold enough to take action 

  • It is positioned to come alongside someone’s full schedule and help launch them into the new year in the right direction

  • It is a unique growth learning experience that incorporates a blend of deep coaching, spiritual guidance, mindset training and community accountability.

This unique learning experience includes 8 x scheduled group sessions of 90 mins, 3 x 1:1 sessions and email support with James outside the sessions. It will involve a mix of teaching, self reflection, practical exercises and personal coaching


4 months


Limit of 4 spots


All sessions held over zoom


$1,100/mth (Discount for upfront payment)

what others have said

what others have said

For as long as I could remember, it was so normal for me to feel hopeless and stuck. Whenever I was faced with the need to change my life, it felt like I had already tried everything and it felt like "this is as good as it gets". James was able to come alongside me on this journey, not just as someone who spoke life and encouragement, but as somebody who was careful in being real and honest with me. Nothing was ever simple throughout this process, but that was one of the reasons why I knew deep and lasting work was being done.

Jeremiah Liew

Media Producer and Project Leader

James helped me understand myself holistically. I felt encouraged and equipped to continue on my journey to healing and transformation. Through this intensive, I applied a new mindset, practices, and tools that make me a better man. If you feel stuck in your struggles, I'd recommend you consider this program to approach your challenges from a different angle. Having James as a coach and facilitator makes an immense difference. He's gone through the same experiences and can speak from his own journey.

Vitaly Kan

Sales Leader



This unique life-changing program is for men who are commited to making life changes and have capacity to financially invest in their growth. Schedule a call to apply and see if this is a fit.



This unique life-changing program is for men who are commited to making life changes and have capacity to financially invest in their growth. Schedule a call to apply and see if this is a fit.



This unique life-changing program is for men who are commited to making life changes and have capacity to financially invest in their growth. Schedule a call to apply and see if this is a fit.


Join hundreds of other high-achievers breaking free from the exhausting pursuit of success and charting a fresh new life trajectory


Join hundreds of other high-achievers breaking free from the exhausting pursuit of success and charting a fresh new life trajectory


Join hundreds of other high-achievers breaking free from the exhausting pursuit of success and charting a fresh new life trajectory

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