What is it? The foundational LiveHolystic coaching intensive with James to redefine your own measures of success and practically reorient towards a fuller life of flourishing and adventure.
Who is it for? Those who feel an internal nagging that there is more to life than currently constructed and don't want to settle for surface level success
Group Coaching
Zoom Meetings
3 sessions
Dec 2023 -Jan 2024
7 spots available
Have you achieved some level of success in your personal and professional life and yet still feel a little stuck, discontent or even exhausted?
Is there a little nagging inside that wonders if there could be more to your life as currently constructed?
Are you so busy upholding a “shell of success” that you neglect the important work of building towards the “substance of success”?
From young, our pictures of success are determined by others and before we know it, we are struggling to hold together these pictures of success.
We climb one mountain, only to be told there's another one we have done yet. And so we continue to climb because we feel like we have no other choice. We're exhausted.
And sometimes we crack (Will Smith is not alone in this)

In late 2019, I decided to heed the signs of unhealthy "leaking" in my life, attend to my inner struggles, and begin to explore what a fuller life could look like.
Through a tough but transformative three-year journey, I learnt how to reorient myself towards new whole-of-life success measures, develop practices that help form me into the person I want to become and create the discretionary time that allows me to focus on what and who is important.
I want to invite you to join me and a handful of others for a group coaching intensive that I believe will change the trajectory of your life.
Through our time together you will discover the success stories you grew up with, uncover the success mindset you are currently living with and learn to reorient your life towards your own redefined measures of success that are fit for you and your current season.
Expect to be surprised, provoked, coached, challenged and encouraged but be warned - once you start the journey, you may not want to return to your old way of living!
Here's what you can expect to leave the intensive with:
A greater feeling of success and accomplishment now
Increased confidence and courage to step into uncertainty, face your deepest fears and follow your own definition of success
New possibilities and direction for your life that you didn't have before
Increased clarity and peace from focusing your most precious resources (time, energy, money) on what is most important to you over the long term
Significant saving of time and money through an accelerated learning experience
Those who currently feel stuck or dissatisfied despite achieving some level of success
Those at a transition point in their life and are wondering about the next chapter
Those who have an internal nagging that there is more to life than currently constructed and don't want to settle for surface level success
Those who are finding that adhoc tips and life hacks from family, friends, books and "Dr Google+Coach Youtube" only go so far and are ready to focus their attention in a structured way
Those who are willing to invest dedicated time and money into designing a new life trajectory and start stepping towards it
This group coaching experience includes 3x scheduled group sessions of 2 hours each and will involve a mix of teaching, self reflection, practical exercises and personal coaching.
Given it is the end of the year, there is a special bonus for those in this cohort as you will also receive a personal word of encouragement from me for your 2024.
5 Dec 23, 4-6pm PDT
12 Dec 23, 4-6pm PDT
16 Jan 24, 4-6pm PDT
Limt of 7 spots
Online (Zoom)
"James is an authentic coach who speaks with honesty and integrity. He guided me through my challenges without judgment. He provided me with tools and methods that I can use to navigate through my personal journey. After the coaching program, I am confident that I am well equipped in all seasons of life"

Prescy G.
Experienced Corporate Leader & Project Manager
"Having James as a coach allows you to succeed whilst guiding you through the challenges and obstacles life throws at us. I would recommend James to anyone that is looking to succeed at life!”

Dave B.
Expeienced Business Optimisation Leader
Fill in your details below , click "Reserve My Spot" and I will be in touch with next steps.
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