An inbox full of “urgent” emails; new fires starting faster than you can put them out; performance “stretch goals” foisted on you as meaningful motivation; the post-COVID “new normal” starting to grind your spirit like the old normal did. Yes, the money in your corporate job is pretty good and your colleagues are agreeable, but you can’t break free of the feeling that something is off: Isn’t there more to life than this?
Or how about this? You’ve finally stepped out of your “cushy corporate” job in pursuit of something better. People are applauding your courage — your decision to embrace the mantra to Do What You Love. But, in truth, this is harder than you thought it would be. You didn’t expect to feel so insecure about your purpose, identity, calling, and abilities or to feel anxiety about your reduced income. You’re starting to wonder: Did I make a mistake? Should I just go back to the way things were?
I’ve been there, friend. For more than 20 years, I was “climbing the corporate ladder” — seizing the opportunities that I was told would help me “make it.” I was living the very model of the “ideal” career journey, but in my heart of hearts, I knew it was far from ideal.
In late 2019, I decided to heed the Spirit, attend to my inner struggles, and begin to explore what a fuller life could look like. Through a tough but transformative three-year journey, I learnt how to reorient myself towards new whole-of-life success measures, develop practices that help form me into the person I want to become and create the discretionary time that allows me to focus on what and who is important
I want to invite you to join me and a handful of other like-minded individuals for a journey that I believe will change the trajectory of your life. You will receive the benefit from over 20 years of my corporate, startup and personal transformation journeys condensed into 4 months.
Through our time together you will find freedom from what I call “Corporate-Life Dependence” — the unhealthy postures and beliefs we unconsciously adopt through the most prevalent work cultures. Together we will help you know your core purpose, free you from the grip of money’s power, and fill you with the resolve needed to truly live as you were made to be.
Will you take your next step into a new possibility? You are invited.
Those who have been in corporate life for years and have an internal nagging that there is a better way to live;
Those who are thinking about making a transition out of corporate life to a different career/job/business but not sure what it takes or how to even start; or
Those who have stepped out of corporate life and are looking for support and guidance for how to best navigate the “new open field” before them
Better understanding and acceptance of your unique story and increased clarity and courage to live purposely in relation to others and the world
More discretionary time in your life to do what is important to you and be with who is important to you
Increased confidence to earn money, save money and give away money in a way that aligns with your deepest commitments and values
Increased freedom from dependencies picked up from corporate life (eg unconscious income stream, individual worth based on work output, bureaucratic decision making)
A holistic framework with practical tools to help your journey beyond the accelerato
This unique learning experience includes 8 x scheduled group sessions of 90 mins, 3 x 1:1 sessions and email support with James outside the sessions. It will involve a mix of teaching, self reflection, practical exercises and personal coaching
4 months
Limt of 3 spots
All sessions held over zoom
Apr-Jul 2024
Apr-Jul 2025
"James is an authentic coach who speaks with honesty and integrity. He guided me though my challenges without judgement. He provided me with tools and methods that I can use to navigate through my personal journey. After doing the “Beyond Corporate Life” Accelerator, I am confident that I am well equipped in all seasons of life. Thank you James for the insights you’ve shared on the different aspects of life that’ll help me live whole''

Experienced Project Manager and Mother of two
James caring yet focused approach has allowed me to quickly breakthrough fixed mindsets and get the most out of my work and life. The structure of the accelerator group sessions combined with the 1:1 coaching has resulted in dramatic improvements in my mental and physical well-being. Having James as a coach allows you to succeed whilst guiding you through the challenges and obstacles the life throws at us. I would recommend James’ programs to anyone that is looking to succeed at life!

Father & Experienced Business
Optimisation Leader