Early Bird Offer + Bonus 1:1 Coaching Call ends in


Early Bird Offer + Bonus 1:1 Coaching Call ends in




A brave space for brave men, not bravado

Join me for a four month journey with a small group of other brave men who are serious about charting an alternative trajectory to today’s common road of manhood marked by loneliness, relational stagnation, preoccupation with image and comparisons, unmanageable expectations, spiritual impotence and unhealthy addictions.

Group Coaching



4 months

8 x 2 hour sessions


Biweekly Tuesdays
March 26 - July 2



CAD $1,588-$1,788

Dear fellow man,

Dear fellow man,

We men were told we need to be strong. 

To be a man’s man. 

To have bulging muscles and rock-hard abs. 

To save the damsel in distress. 

To be the voice for the voiceless.

To be the hero in the story.

However, without healthy guidance and role models, this narrow vision of a “strong man” has birthed a distorted reality for many of us.

We become "strong" men who wield aggression, who use power to diminish others, and who boast of superficial achievements while lacking in genuine connections.

And if we don’t feel we match up physically, we find hidden ways to feel strong.

We criticise and judge others’ faults to gain an ego-high.

We engage in on-demand pornography to make us feel we are in-demand.

We indulge in certain sexual behaviours to feel powerful.

We preoccupy ourselves with past achievements, external success comparisons, social influencer indicators and brand and celebrity associations. 

Look where a distorted vision of “strength” has left us.






But here’s what breaks my heart: we were set up to fail.

Because brute strength can only take us so far. 

It cannot grant us the grace to navigate our mistakes, earn the respect of others, or break free from the shackles of addiction.

It cannot salvage relationships or instill the confidence needed to live authentically. 

It couldn’t help the insecure and emotionally immature boy in me that never grew up as I physically grew in responsibilities as an adult.

In my own transformational journey, I've come to realize the importance of a needed paradigm shift a shift from brute strength to brave strength.


It's a different kind of muscle that needs developing. 

A new kind of strength that helps us recognise and navigate our fears, discomforts and unhealthy coping patterns.

A unique ability to navigate life's tensions, paradoxes and competing priorities in a healthy way.

How do I hold space to sit with unresolved problems when I’ve made a living by solving them?

How do I push ahead with the important work I need to do while nurturing important relationships that also need my attention? 

How do I practice self-care without becoming self-centered and self-indulgent? 

How do I make money while making time for what’s important? 

These are just some of the many questions that beg for answers, questions that demand a new approach—a pathway to become the type of men the world desperately needs and that our closest ones dearly love.

If you share my concerns about the current state of manhood and want to embark on a new journey with other brave men who have the same heart, then I invite you to join my 4 month Brave Men's coaching program.


What can i leave the program with?

What can i leave the program with?

Gain a renewed vision of what it means for you to become a man you actually are proud of.

Be coached on how to redefine a new set of life success metrics that are achievable and align to who you are and your story.

Learn practical tools to navigate the many challenges plaguing men today such as loneliness, relational stagnation, image preoccupation, social comparison, unmanageable expectations, spiritual impotence and unhealthy addictions. 

Journey with a community of like-minded men who are seeking real accountability, meaningful connection and deeper-fulfilment in life. 

Who knows, you may even gain a new life-long friend or business partner beyond the program?

what other men have to say

what other men have to say

"I always come away really encouraged and I can see how things in my life are moving in a positive direction. Things that are real and not hype. James is super relatable, helps me get out of my head and has provided me with a fresh perspective on my life journey that I’m now excited about."

"I always come away really encouraged and I can see how things in my life are moving in a positive direction. Things that are real and not hype. James is super relatable, helps me get out of my head and has provided me with a fresh perspective on my life journey that I’m now excited about."

Ryan S.

"A gift beyond measure! From my own personal experience, I can confidently say that he is an exceptional coach who is passionate about helping individuals transform their lives and achieve their goals. I have been deeply moved by James' ability to inspire and motivate, while at the same time being understanding and compassionate.'

"A gift beyond measure! From my own personal experience, I can confidently say that he is an exceptional coach who is passionate about helping individuals transform their lives and achieve their goals. I have been deeply moved by James' ability to inspire and motivate, while at the same time being understanding and compassionate.'

Lali W.


8 x 2hr group sessions

Group coaching sessions draw on James’ unique blend of deep coaching, spiritual guidance, mindset training and community accountability

flexible curriculum

Access to a flexible curriculum that will adapt to the group’s needs. Content will be drawn from philosophy, theology and neuroscience as we delve into some of the top tensions facing men such as work, play, purpose, legacy, relationships, sex, money and spirituality.

personal community & support

Access to a private messaging group and email support provided by James

meaningful connection

Ability to foster meaningful connection with a closed group of up to 12 participants over four months



$447 per month ($1,788 CAD total)

see what others have to say

see what others have to say

"James’ caring yet focused approach has allowed me to quickly break through fixed mindsets and get the most out of my work and life. The structure of the group sessions coaching has resulted in dramatic improvements in my mental and physical well-being. Having James as a coach allows you to succeed whilst guiding you through the challenges and obstacles life throws at us. I would recommend James’ programs to anyone that is looking to succeed at life!"

"James’ caring yet focused approach has allowed me to quickly break through fixed mindsets and get the most out of my work and life. The structure of the group sessions coaching has resulted in dramatic improvements in my mental and physical well-being. Having James as a coach allows you to succeed whilst guiding you through the challenges and obstacles life throws at us. I would recommend James’ programs to anyone that is looking to succeed at life!"

Dave B.



James is a professional life coach and leadership advisor who helps people break free from the cycle of senseless success and onto a new trajectory of wholeness and meaningful impact.

His own personal transformation journey and diverse experiences across a range of corporate, startup, creative and spiritual spaces allow him to work with people from different backgrounds and situations.

Click below to learn more about him.


I want to join but I’m not sure if I can make all the sessions?

Timing and location group sessions?

I’m worried about confidentiality?


Best Suited for

Men (roughly 25+) including working professionals, fathers, entrepreneurs, creatives and leaders

Men willing to invest in their own personal growth

Men who want to grow in integrity, purpose and presence across their personal and professional lives

Men concerned with the current state of manhood, their legacy and the person they are ultimately becoming 

Men who are humble enough to learn from others, compassionate enough to respect confidentiality and bold enough to take action

Not Suited for

Men not willing to invest time and money in their own growth and change

Men who cannot commit to the whole program

Men who are not teachable and open to learning

Men who are not committed to put things into practice

Men who want quick fixes without wanting to face their deeper issues


We love any resource or program that supports people to become better humans and what really sets this men’s group program apart are:


It is designed and led by James whose life-transformation journey, experience across diverse careers and formal training, allow him to work with individuals that span across a wide range of situations and industries.


The unique blend of deep coaching, spiritual guidance, mindset training and community accountability


The flexibility the curriculum and program to adapt to the needs and preferences of the individuals in the program as.we journey together

what others have said

what others have said

"James was able to come alongside me on this journey, not just as someone who spoke life and encouragement, but as somebody who was careful in being real and honest with me. Nothing was ever simple throughout this process, but that was one of the reasons why I knew deep and lasting work was being done. I felt like James understood me and was helpful in laying out what the road to personal growth looked like for me."

"James was able to come alongside me on this journey, not just as someone who spoke life and encouragement, but as somebody who was careful in being real and honest with me. Nothing was ever simple throughout this process, but that was one of the reasons why I knew deep and lasting work was being done. I felt like James understood me and was helpful in laying out what the road to personal growth looked like for me."

Jeremiah L.



For over 20 years I was trapped in a cycle of pursuing success as it was defined by society, striving to be a leader across corporate, startup, creative, and spiritual spaces.

I was chained to an unattainable vision of a man who could do it all.

I thought that if I could only apply the right productivity hacks or implement a fine-tuned time-management system, I could achieve everything.

I clearly remember a wake up moment. In the midst of significant travelling for work, I had the opportunity to go and surprise my wife and kids who were holidaying on the other side of the world. The trip I chose instead was one of guilt.

A church leader told me that my absence from a weekend gathering would look bad for the organisation. 

So, I prioritised protecting my public reputation as a “servant-hearted responsible leader” over the needs of my family.

To make things worse, I binged on pornography in my alone times to ease the discomfort of disappointing my family.

I had absolutely no idea how to manage the multiple expectations across my personal and professional lives in a way that was healthy and aligned to the man I wanted to become.

And the leaders who I looked up, to enabled me to keep going as is because I was valuable to them, I was an asset to the organisation and communities, I was super productive, I was a mover and shaker.

The turning point came when I accepted an invitation to go on a 3-4 month transformation program with other men (all strangers!).

I was met in my struggle and was suddenly compelled by a renewed vision of life that actually matched who I was deep down.

I began to learn how to practically navigate the tensions in my life in a healthy way.

I've now spent nearly five years immersed in transformational coaching, group training and addictions research.

The realignment of my life trajectory traced back to that decision I made in 2019 to join that men’s group.

I invite you to take a brave next step and join me and some other brave men.

Your life trajectory could totally change…for the better.


For over 20 years I was trapped in a cycle of pursuing success as it was defined by society, striving to be a leader across corporate, startup, creative, and spiritual spaces.

I was chained to an unattainable vision of a man who could do it all.

I thought that if I could only apply the right productivity hacks or implement a fine-tuned time-management system, I could achieve everything.

I clearly remember a wake up moment. In the midst of significant travelling for work, I had the opportunity to go and surprise my wife and kids who were holidaying on the other side of the world. The trip I chose instead was one of guilt.

A church leader told me that my absence from a weekend gathering would look bad for the organisation. 

So, I prioritised protecting my public reputation as a “servant-hearted responsible leader” over the needs of my family.

To make things worse, I binged on pornography in my alone times to ease the discomfort of disappointing my family.

I had absolutely no idea how to manage the multiple expectations across my personal and professional lives in a way that was healthy and aligned to the man I wanted to become.

And the leaders who I looked up, to enabled me to keep going as is because I was valuable to them, I was an asset to the organisation and communities, I was super productive, I was a mover and shaker.

The turning point came when I accepted an invitation to go on a 3-4 month transformation program with other men (all strangers!).

I was met in my struggle and was suddenly compelled by a renewed vision of life that actually matched who I was deep down.

I began to learn how to practically navigate the tensions in my life in a healthy way.

I've now spent nearly five years immersed in transformational coaching, group training and addictions research.

The realignment of my life trajectory traced back to that decision I made in 2019 to join that men’s group.

Now, I invite you to take a brave next step and join me and some other brave men on the journey.

Your life trajectory could totally change…for the better.


join the BRAVE men's group NOW

Have any other questions before you sign up? 

Email James directly with your question james@liveholystic.com.

Can’t join this time but want to stay updated with future opportunities and events? 

Simply subscribe to James’ newsletter below,

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